Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Wink Fotos Workshop

A few weeks ago I went to a photography workshop by Emily Clark of Wink Fotos. She posted some stuff about the workshop on her blog, although maybe I shouldn't mention that...there are a couple seriously dorky pictures of me. Anyway, Emily is a lot of fun and so was the workshop. I kind of decided to sign up impulsively, but that's probably good, because if I had to think about it, I might not have done it.

So here are a few of my favorites from the workshop...

Which do you like better? This one, or...

...this one? I can't decide!

This one might be my very favorite

This is Emily, showing us how it's done.

(Not sure if it's a blogger problem or a Photobucket problem, but lately my pictures NEVER seem as crisp and clean once I upload them as they do in my files. Any insight? It's driving me nuts!)


RazakFamily said...

LOVE the picture of the shoes!! So clever, you :)

Emily Clark said...

love these! you really do have a different artist view for things! i had the upload problem before and you might have to change your resolution size in photoshop before you upload to photobucket. i use 150 resolution on my blog because my pics weren't the same after i uploaded them and it fixed it. good luck! thanks for being so wonderful!

Janice Twitchell said...

wow! i have been looking for some workshops!! Where does she live? I totally want to take one! your pics are way cute!

Carolyn Howell said...

OK, you asked which of the two I prefer. I choose the first.

Glad you were able to take time to attend this workshop. Your photos look amazing. xoxo

jackster said...

Cute pics Erin! I'm always looking for workshops to go to, and always seem to miss them. If you know of any coming up and want a buddy, let me know. Do you use the bulk uploader on photobucket bucket? I think it screws up the quality. Not a total solution, but I've noticed that I've noticed thats one thing that makes a big difference...