Thursday, June 3, 2010

New Photo Project

So, I've been wanting to do a Project 365 for a while. I was going to start in January, but well, I was a little preoccupied with growing another person and then taking care of him. That "project" made me get a little off track. Plus, every day for a who year? Yeah, just a little bit overwhelming! So, since I get overwhelmed, I'm going to start out by doing a "Project 30" for the month of June. So far, yep, a whole three days in, I'm going strong. My camera has been out all of the time. I need to find my little point and shoot camera so that I can use that too, because although I usually have my dSLR with me, sometimes it's just a pain to lug that thing around.

I'm trying to capture what our life is really like...not just the exciting parts, but the real, everyday kinds of things. My husband took this of me with my babies last week while we were hanging out in the back yard. I love it!

Now, I'm trying to decide how to post the pictures that I take every day. Posting them every day would definitely fail, so now I'm trying to decide between weekly and monthly and just posting all the photos for that respective week or month in a collage or something. So, for all 3 of you that are reading this...What do you think?


RazakFamily said...

I'm pretty sure more than 3 people are reading this!!!
I think a weekly collage would rock! I love the pictures of your kids...and Jerry did great at this photo :)

britni jean said...

well i guess i'm #2 reading this! i love this picture of you and your babes! i think the picture collage thing is a great idea! and i would get to see more of what you are up to. however, the month of june i am hoping to see a lot of you in person! happy birthday tomorrow!!

Carolyn Howell said...

Number 3!!!

This photo is stunning. Brennan is alert to what is happening, you look absolutely gorgeous and AVA IS ATTENTIVE AND COPPERATIVE!

The weekly blog is a great idea. I even tried once a month (but my blogs had 30 photos per page...not so good). You'll do great, I've already seen week one! xoxo