Sunday, June 22, 2008

Take Out Photo Monthly Special

A few weeks ago I accidentally stumbled upon THIS blog. I can't remember how I came across it, probably looking for photography stuff or Photoshop stuff. Those seem to be the two things that eat up all of my time online lately. Anyway, there was a grid challenge on it that looked like fun. I have done a few grids before but he had a couple of tips that were new to me that were very helpful. I have to admit I am a sucker for things with order (way more so than most people) so a grid format is something I do quite a bit. I didn't do anything too creative with them this time, I've done more creative ones in the past, but I like the way they both turned out.

On this one I used pictures that my sister-in-law took of her baby. I changed her name to be on the safe side. I really like the way this one turned out, but how could it not with such a pretty baby?

1 comment:

marc said...

I'm so glad you stumbled upon my site. Beautiful work! Hope you'll keep doing the monthly specials. July's project will be posted at the end of the week.